Juice that Promote Good Leg Circulation

2 slices of  pineapple
1 slice of watermelon
 1 cup water
10 cherries
1 tablespoon grated, fresh ginger

     Believe us when we say this natural juice is as delicious as it is healthy. It has all-natural ingredients that fight inflammation, encourage good leg circulation, and keep you hydrated.
·         You should also know that both cherries and ginger help reduce pain. Eating a handful of cherries per day will gradually help you eliminate that heavy feeling and cramping you’re getting in your legs. It’s amazing.
·         Finally, this juice is great for drinking right when you get home from work. Why? Because it’s very hydrating and can act as an energy drink to keep you going after a long day.
·         To prepare it, just cut up your pineapple and watermelon. Remove the pits from the cherries and add everything to your blender. Meanwhile, boil the water and let the ginger steep for a few minutes. Once it’s ready, blend all ingredients until smooth. It’s easy!
    This juice is best served cold. It’ll do wonders for the circulation in your legs.


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